About the Radio Host

Matthew Peterson is an award-winning and best-selling author, second degree black belt in karate, Eagle scout, computer programmer and former missionary. He lives in Arizona with his wife, five boys and their giant African tortoise.
| Award-winning and best-selling author, Matthew Peterson, has braved his way through the trenches of the book publishing industry, from spearheading a $150,000 nationwide ad, print and radio campaign, to creating his own illustrations, study guide, website and book trailer, to coming up with dozens of unique character voices for his audio book. Millions of people have heard about Matthew and his Parallel Worlds series from TV, radio, newspaper and online interviews. He has spoken throughout the country at schools, libraries and fantasy/science fiction conventions and has also been a member of the American Booksellers Association, Audio Publishers Association and The Independent Book Publishers Association.
His debut young adult novel, Paraworld Zero, hit two bestseller lists and won, placed or honored in over 15 contests, including the ForeWord Magazine's Book of the Year Awards, the Mom's Choice Awards, and the Moonbeam Children's Book Awards. Reviewers have declared that Paraworld Zero is a "Harry Potter meets Star Wars" yet is "one of those novels that stands out among the rest" because of its "original, creative, and engaging story" and "colorful characters, fast-paced adventure, and clever humor."
See the Awards and Reviews Paraworld Zero has Received

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Awards and Accomplishments for Paraworld Zero
– Hit the BarnesAndNoble.com Top-50 Bestseller List
– Hit the Amazon.com Bestseller List in the "Magic and Wizards" category
– Winner of the National Indie Excellence Book Awards (DVD-Fiction)
– Winner of the London Book Festival (E-Book)
– Two-time Winner of the Los Angeles DIY Book Festival (E-Book, Audiobook)
– Silver award from the Mom's Choice Awards (Audiobook)
– Second Place in the Moonbeam Children's Book Awards (Audiobook)
– Finalist in the ForeWord Magazine's Book of the Year Awards (Audiobook)
– Finalist in the National Best Books 2009 Awards (Audiobook)
– Two-time Finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards (SF/F, Audiobook)
– Fallen Angel Reviews Recommended Read
– Flamingnet TOP CHOICE Award for Young Adult Fiction
– Third Place for the Preditors and Editors Best SF Novel Award
– Honorable Mentions from the Hollywood, New York, New England, and Beach Book Festivals
Twelve-year-old earthling, Simon Kent, stumbles upon a secret that thrusts him into a bizarre adventure filled with magic, technology and deadly out-of-this-world creatures. He discovers a true friend, confronts his inner demons and becomes the savior to a peculiar race of people, when all he truly wants is to find his way back home.
Parallel to Simon's adventures is a mystery involving a catlike spy and a magical swordsman who both struggle to maintain peace among the paraworlds. But evil lurks in unexpected places, and few people can be trusted. Their paths ultimately lead them to Simon: the one boy who might be able to prevent the biggest assassination attempt in the known paraverse. "Harry Potter meets Star Wars" – WormsScifi.com

Listen to a sample of the audiobook
Audiobook: 12.5 hours, 2 narrators, and 100 voices!
Audio CD: Comes with 10 CDs
MP3-CD: 128 bitrate MP3s on 1 CD
MP3-DVD: 256 bitrate, also includes the E-Book and
almost 4 hours of video/audio extras
Get the physical audiobook from these sites:
Amazon.com: MP3-CD,
Audio CD
BarnesAndNoble.com: MP3-CD,
Audio CD
Download the audiobook from the following sites:
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Audible.com books can be
played on your Apple iPod
& hundreds of MP3 devices.

Read a sample of the E-Book
6x9 Trade Paperback: 251 pages, 30 illustrations
Get new SIGNED copies HERE
Download E-Book from these sites:
Buy used copies from these sites:

Download from a Library:
OverDrive.com (Ebook: EPUB, PDF, MobiPocket)
Overdrive.com (Audiobook: MP3, WMA)

Photos of Matthew Peterson's childhood and his family

Quick Facts about Matthew Peterson
1. Born in 1975 and was raised in Utah, Arizona, and Nevada
2. Has 6 brothers and 1 sister
3. Practiced 12 years of Shotokan karate and is a 2nd degree black belt
4. Received the Eagle award for Boy Scouts of America
5. Graduated from Orem High School
6. Served a 2-year, unpaid mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons)
7. Met his wife (Alicia) on the first day of school after he got back from his mission (got engaged 11 days later--WOW!--and has been happily married for over 12 years)
8. Graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelors degree in Business Management with an emphasis in Information Technology
9. He has five boys, two of whom are red-headed twins
10. Currently lives in Arizona
11. Previously was the Director of I.T. at Barrett-Eastman Property Managment, ServiceOne Home Warranties, and Arizona Trade Masters.
12. Loves to program with Visual Basic, C#, and .NET, and enjoys creating websites. Spends a lot of time editing video. Loves video games but never has time to play them.
13. Favorite Movies: Return of the Jedi and other Star Wars movies, Lord of the Rings, LadyHawke, The Princess Bride, Willow... do you see a pattern here?
14. Favorite TV Shows: Babylon 5, X-Files, Stargate-SG1, Farscape, Lois and Clark, Now and Again, (Cartoons: X-Men, Justice League, & Jackie Chan Adventures)
15. Favorite Music: All About Eve, The Smiths/Morrissey, The Church, Wild Swans
16. Favorite Food: Pizza, Fettuccine Alfredo, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
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