The Author Hour: Your Guide to Fantastic Fiction hosted by Matthew Peterson


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Jody Lynn Nye
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Jody Lynn Nye   Jody Lynn Nye has co-authored several books with world-famous authors such as Anne McCaffrey, Piers Anthony, and Robert Asprin. She’s also written a humorous set of fantasy novels of her own called the Mythology series. More recently, Jody co-authored with the late Robert Asprin several books in the New York Times bestselling Myth-Adventures series. She now plans to continue the Myth-Adventures series on her own.

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This episode originally aired on 10/15/2009 with the following authors:
Note: The following interview has been transcribed from The Author Hour radio show. Please excuse any typos, spelling and gramatical errors.

Interview with Jody Lynn Nye

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Bonus Question(s) that Didn't Air on the Live Radio Show

Matthew Peterson: Now Jody, let me ask you a bonus question here. The question I would ask, with the next book that’s coming out, is there anything you can tell us about the next Myth-Adventures book that you’ll be writing?

Jody Lynn Nye: Ooh, uh . . . there are two outlines and the publisher is going to decide which one she would like to see first.

Matthew Peterson: Oh, ok, so you have two outlines, and they’ll just decide which one comes first and then the next one will come after.

Jody Lynn Nye: Will be the one after.

Matthew Peterson: Oh, ok. Let me ask you another question. Do you have any other series in mind to write?

Jody Lynn Nye: Well, I’m working on one now, as a matter of fact. I’m most of the way through a novel for Baen Books, a humorous, science fiction.

Matthew Peterson: So it will be kind of like the same vein of your Mythology Series, or is it totally different?

Jody Lynn Nye: Well, if I was going to say it was like anything, I would say it’s an homage to P. G. Wodehouse.

Matthew Peterson: Oh, ok. Oh, and you said this would be science fiction, though. So, ok, your Mythology was fantasy. Do you have a name for your new book, the new series that you’re writing?

Jody Lynn Nye: The series name, as I have sent to the publisher is The Fool of the Family. There’s a tradition in British families and noble families of the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries is to send the fool of the family to sea. And then if he doesn’t come back, well, no loss.

Matthew Peterson: No loss, because he was just the fool.

Jody Lynn Nye: Exactly, you don’t trust him in government, you don’t send him to the priesthood, and you certainly don’t send him to run your farms and your estate. So, where he can do the least harm is where he’s under strict orders night and day.

Matthew Peterson: Yeah.

Jody Lynn Nye: And if he rises to the rank of captain, well, it’s all by accident.

Matthew Peterson: I can see a lot of potential. That’s kind of a fun story. To have a character that . . . so I assume your main character is probably the fool, or what they assume is the fool.

Jody Lynn Nye: Well, yes. He’s a cheerful, un-self-conscious soul, who has no idea really what people think of him. He’s a noble and in this universe nobles appear to be extremely useless. They don’t associate with the common man. They have a high allowance from the government and they really seem to be just wasting space. He finds being useful so different from his normal lifestyle.

Matthew Peterson: Yeah, well that is interesting. We’ll be looking out for that one, The Fool of the Family.

Jody Lynn Nye: That’s the series name, but the title of the first book, at least . . . remember publishers get to change the titles if they want . . .

Matthew Peterson: Oh yeah.

Jody Lynn Nye: The proposed title is View from the Imperium.

Matthew Peterson: Ok. And is there a time frame for that book? Have you finished writing it?

Jody Lynn Nye: I have not finished writing it. It is due on Halloween.

Matthew Peterson: Halloween, ok.

Extra Material That was Cut from the Radio Show Because of Time Constraints

Matthew Peterson: I notice that you did write one book this year, or it came out this year, A Forthcoming Wizard.

Jody Lynn Nye: Actually it’s the second book in a duology. The first book is called An Unexpected Apprentice. It is a book from Tor books and it’s available now in paperback. The second book, the second half of the story is A Forthcoming Wizard. And as close to a fantasy epic as I have ever written. Grand in the scale as in The Lord of the Rings, if I could be so bold. But my main character is a little girl, well, she’s short in stature, she is 17 years old, who finds herself in a situation where she needs to leave her home and go to a place that she finds to be safe and discovers that it is her responsibility to carry out this massive quest. But she has help, she has many people who help her, including a couple of wizards, mother and daughter, a female centaur who is a princess of her race, a couple of soldiers, a dwarvin merchant. I find it to be a lot of fun. She runs into all sorts of interesting people, who will help her or not help her, as the case may be.

Matthew Peterson: And that duology is finished then, you have both of the books then.

Jody Lynn Nye: Yes, both of the books are published.

Matthew Peterson: Good.

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